Monday, July 1, 2013

Defend Your Nuts

In Defend Your Nuts you play as a cute little squirrel that has been diligently saving up nuts for the winter. Unfortunately, the forest isn't such a peaceful place as there are many looking to take them away, and so you must defend your nuts from the army of looters looking to feast on your spoils. At the start of the game you are going to be given a bow and arrow, and in order to shoot it simply click and hold with the left mouse button and use the cursor to aim your shot. Once you are ready, simply release the left mouse button and watch your arrow fly. As you progress through the game you will be able to buy yourself some upgrades, and you better choose them wisely as your enemies get stronger and stronger with each level. This is your last stand, you can't let the enemy get your nuts, lest you want to spend the winter starving.