Monday, July 22, 2013

Bushido Panda

In Bushido Panda you can move around by using either the arrow keys or the WSAD keys. The space bar is used to jump, and you can press it twice in order to perform a double jump. While you are in the air, you can press and hold the up button in order to glide. When you are standing on a platform, hold the down key and press the space bar in order to climb off of it. When you are in the air, you can use the down button to unleash your mighty smash attack. To fill up your energy bar, simply eat any sushi you come across. In order to smash horizontally, press the down key twice in a rapid succession and then either left or right. Be careful though, as using the smash drains your energy bar, and there aren't so many sushi around for you to eat… at least not when you get to the real challenge.