Monday, May 20, 2013

Shark Attack 2

The sharks have been at the mercy of men for far too long, and they have now come back to claim the sea which is rightfully theirs. It is your duty to escape the marauding beasts and make it to the sweet safety of the mainland. In Shark Attack 2, the only thing which stands between you and peril are your wits and reflexes. While in most fishing games your goal is get something or someone in the water, in Shark Attack 2 you need to avoid it completely. In order to move your character around simply use the arrow keys to walk in any direction of your choice, and the "A" button in order to jump. Naturally, getting to safety won't be an easy task as there are countless enemies who would like nothing more than to send you tumbling down into the shark's mouth; in order to get rid of those enemies, you need to jump on them.